Travel Blog

Hotel U Puerto Vallarta

Hotel U Puerto VallartaAttendees at a recent Hotel U presentation in Puerto Vallarta  were promised large 1900 sq ft suits, concierge service and 40,000 cash back two year guarantee. In turn they could buy a 15 year plan to use 4 weeks a year. The company would buy back 3 weeks at 1500 a week to sell to casino users so it would only cost $820 for the first week.

They said they will start building the Hotel U the first thing in Jan 7/12. The grand opening would be Dec 12 , 2012 for the first unit. As a founding member they would also receive one round of free golf a week.

Hotel U Puerto Vallarta – Comments

Comments on this post urged potential clients to run away as fast they could. That pitch is very similar to the spiel that was given to buyers at the Belaire. Before it was rebranded the “U”. There’s a good chance that somewhere in the background the same people are still running the show here. They’re just recycling the same old operation under a new name. Be careful and avoid this sort of sales pitch.

Additional comments that we read indicated even if this were now a legitimate operation it would still be a bad deal. This is an overpriced property in an inferior location. A first class resort, as they try to paint themselves, is not going to be located next to an airport and away from the beach. Vacationers coming to Puerto Vallarta for the level of accommodations purported for the Belaire/”U” will at a minimum want a resort on the beach, not inland.

Review the Law

The laws in Mexico are not the same as other countries. Foreigners must be very careful when they are buying property in this country or any other foreign country. Make sure that you have a good lawyer to represent you. In addition make sure that you have a clear title to your property.

Many make assumptions that property is handled in the same manner as in your own country. You may find that those assumptions will be wrong. As a result our property could cost a great deal more than what you might have originally planned for it to cost.


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