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Fight Cyber Bullying

February 11th, 2013 ernie Posted in Bullies No Comments »

Fight Cyber BullyingWe just watched a short TV news item on Good Morning America about a girl who was cyber bullied online. We all need to fight cyber bullying. She was bullied online because many people felt that she was not pretty enough to be a cheer leader for the Packers football team. There were pictures of her on a web site that was not associated with the team.

The headline essentially suggested that she should not be a cheer leader since she was not the usual big breasted women. Also with gorgeous hair etc that cheer leaders have come to be known for. She might not have fit the common mold. But she certainly did not deserve the many vicious comments that followed this particular post.

Fight Cyber Bullying

She found a really unique way to respond. She posted a YouTube video accompanied by music with hand written cards. It went absolutely viral in less than 24 hours. As a result there were well over a million hits in the first 24 hours. It forced the original web site to take down their post and all of the bad comments that had been posted. This is a great way to bring attention to bad taste and hurtful comments that seem to be popular on many online sites.

We hope that this serves as an example of how people can fight back against cyber bullying. Do it in a positive constructive way to get these kinds of results.

Where did this Happen

This was on the Chicago Bears Fan page. These people  finally removed the offending posts. Also the comments along with the over 3000 likes that the page had accumulated. They were a bit slow removing it and they should never have had it up there in the first place. The people who run this site are probably bullies themselves and thought it was funny. Too bad for them.

We think that people should boycott their page and the advertisers that place advertising on it. For more posts about online bullying, click here.


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High School Bullying

June 7th, 2012 ernie Posted in Bullies 1 Comment »

There has been a lot of information available on a variety of news programs about high school bullying. It has taken center stage due to many unfortunate situations. Students have been harassed, beat up or worse killed or have committed suicide. This is a terrible situation and it is a good idea to shed some light on this situation.  It is about time, since bullying has been going on for thousands of years. The difference today is that it is not being shoved under the table!

News organizations are making it front and center. Facebook and Twitter are helping as much to hi-lite the situation as they are being used to contribute to bullying. Kids have more tools today in which to bully other kids than they did in the past. Kids have more ways to fight back.

Why Do School Officials Not Deal with High School Bullying?

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