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More Shootings at a School

December 21st, 2012 ernie Posted in Gun Control 1 Comment »

Nancy GraceCan you believe it has happened again? More shootings at a school with guns that have no business being in a persons hands, let alone a young deranged man. Are Reality Shows and online gaming giving our kids the wrong message. Are viewers becoming so accustomed to gun play on the TV and at movies that it does not affect them any more? Many people are just becoming immune to the carnage and accepting it as part of life.

The cold hearted will blame it on the person and not the guns. We are not against guns for hunting, but why on earth do you need a gun that fires on auto in a machine gun manner? Do you really need to have this kind of fire power?

Some will say that they need the guns for self defense. If no one had guns you would not need self defense! If someone in your family is not stable, why have a gun around? For self defense, have one, not dozens! If you collect them, keep them under lock and key and store them away from the ammunition.

Shootings at a School – A Significant Problem

The US has to solve this problem. It is getting ridiculous and out if control! How many shootings have there been this year? We are a great country, can’t we find a solution for this huge problem. We seem to be able to address other significant challenging problems, why not this one.

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Gun Control

July 24th, 2012 ernie Posted in Gun Control 3 Comments »

As a Canadian, I just cannot believe the number of Americans that apparently carry guns or keep guns in their homes. It is really foreign to us and I worry that too many innocent people are being killed every year  due to someone having a gun when they really do not need one. What is gun control anyway? We did not add a picture of a gun to this page simply because we cannot promote guns in general.

I really do not care about the right to bare arms. That was set back in a time when it was important to be able to defend yourself against marauding Indians  and many criminals that just felt they could take what they wanted.  If you feel that you need a gun to protect yourself, what is wrong with a pistol. If you feel you want to go hunting, what is wrong with a single action rifle of some kind? When would you ever use an assault rifle? This is what we need to discuss when it comes to gun control.

So let’s be really clear. This is not a rant against guns in general. This is a question about why we should be able to buy assault rifles or some other automatic action gun. There is just no need for one of these guns in our society. Rifles are ok for hunting, pistols are ok for self defense. we just need to be really careful about how we store them so our kids cannot get at these guns in the home. That is gun control in our mind.

Why Do we need Gun Control?

If people are that worried about defending themselves against marauding armies or even your own country, then we have far worse problems. There are just too many people being killed every year by guns that are purchased legally.  This is what apparently happened in Colorado in July of 2012. Why did this guy need and why should he even be able to buy an assault rifle  and all of the ammo for it? It just does not make any kind of sense at all.

Then are the people who feel that if someone also had a firearm while in the theater, this could have ended before so many people were killed. That’s just great, now you have bullets flying around from multiple guns, going through walls and probably killing others in adjacent rooms. Can you imagine the carnage? In the confusion, people would not know who the good guys were and who the bad guy was. People would shoot at anyone with a gun in this kind of situation and the death toll would have been a lot higher from so called friendly fire.

How Do We Solve The Gun Problem

The United States needs to get this problem solved. If gun laws are no good, or cannot be changed, then another solution needs to be found. It must start with a profound culture change from many people wanting to have guns to many people not wanting to have guns. How you change the culture of a nation were the use of guns and the ownership of guns is such as excitable issue for many people and embedded in the culture is really difficult. Most politicians on either side just do not want to attack it. They may find their political careers over.

Even if you try to limit guns with some kind of automatic action, many gun enthusiasts will fight this. It is considered and encroachment on their rights and the first step towards abolition of guns all together. I think we are so far from that latter scenario, that they need not worry at all.

We seriously need to try to do something about this major problem. We are no longer in the old west were you needed a gun. This is the 21st century!

Some readers might wonder why a Canadian is so concerned about this issue. Well the reality is that what goes on in America, pretty soon begins to affect Canada. We have already seen more killings from guns in some of our major cities. This problem is on the up tick in Canada. We think it will only get worse here too unless something is done in both countries.

Your comments are welcome on both sides of the argument. Let’s keep it civil and constructive and maybe we can move this issue ahead somewhat to better understanding on both sides. For more thoughts on this interesting subject, click here.

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Teen Mom Shoots Intruder and Defends Baby

January 7th, 2012 ernie Posted in Gun Control No Comments »

By now most of us know the story of the Teen Mom Shoots Intruder. One of two burglars who tried to enter her home on New Years eve. With the intention of looking for drugs or perhaps worse. Which is what the teen mom, Sarah Dawn McKinley feels would have happened. Apparently both burglars were high on drugs. One at least was carrying a 12 inch hunting knife.

She was on the phone with the dispatcher the entire time. While these bums were trying to break into her home over a 20 minute period. The dispatcher heard the shot as the guy is coming in the door!  Can you imagine being in that girls position? The stress she must have been under.

Teen Mom Shoots Intruder and Defends Baby

She has a small baby who is sleeping in another room and she is armed with a 12 gauge shot-gun! What would you do in this situation?  And were was the father you ask? he passed away on Christmas day from Cancer and was not there to defend his family.

In one story we read, the intruder who was shot had been stalking this young teen 2 years ago and then resumed stalking her when her husband passed away. What a low life! There will be no sympathy for him or his partner who by the way has been charged with murder under Oklahoma laws.

Intruder Charged with Murder

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