Travel Blog

George Burn’s Home Palm Springs

George Burns homeThis was George Burns home when he lived in Palm Springs. His home was just below that of Barbara Streisand . It is a very elegant looking place with lots of desert plants around the property. Of course palm trees as well. One of the unique things about this home is that it has quite a few pieces of art around it. They are strategically placed were you can see them from the street. This really adds to the beauty of the place and contributes to the value of the property.

You can find this home in the Las Palmas area of Palm Springs and if you live in the down town area of the city, it is within easy walking distance of down town. There are also walking tours that you can sign up for that take you past this home as well as many others were famous stars stayed when they came to Palm Springs.

George Burns home – Security

This home is also protected by gates. There is an armed response sign on the fence. This is to ward off anyone who might be thinking of jumping the fence. For instance it is surprising how many tourists if given a chance will try to walk on the grounds or peer inside a window to look around.

For more posts and articles about the Palm Springs area, click here.


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