Travel Blog

Coping with Slowing Metabolism

Coping with Slowing MetabolismWe will all find ourselves coping with slowing metabolism at some point in our lives. It may be in our senior years or it could also be at a younger age. There are several reasons why our metabolism slows down. Once your understand why your bodies metabolism slows, you can do something about it. You may be surprised when you read on. A slow metabolism means you burn less calories and you also gain weight unless you take the proper steps to counteract it.  There are three areas to consider. First is the base metabolism rate which is how many calories you need just to maintain your body at its current weight.

Second is the activity level or how many calories you burn through an active life style. Third is the number of calories it takes to digest the food you intake. The first consumes 60 to 70%, the second consumers 20% and the third consumes about 10% of the calories.

Coping with Slowing Metabolism

From the above three areas, it quickly becomes obvious what you need to do regardless of what age you are. As we age, our metabolic rate also slows because we are no longer growing, we are maintaining our weight, height etc. The only thing left is to either cut down on the calorie intake or to increase our activity level.

Fasting or starving ourselves will also decrease the metabolic rate.. It is important to eat regular meals, just cut back a little bit on the total amount of calories to avoid lowering your metabolic rate.

Next increase your activity level. Increase muscle mass by doing weight baring exercises. Creating muscles and using them burns calories and actually increases your metabolic rate. As we age we need to find ways of coping with slowing metabolism in our bodies. By tricking the body to deal with a higher activity rate, you will improve your strength, your cardio level and burn calories at the same time.

Start with regular exercise. Walking, lifting weights, cycling , golf or whatever sport you enjoy. Keep at it as long as you possibly can.

For more about managing your metabolism and nutrition, click here.

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