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Increase your Life Expectancy – Get Active

Increase your Life ExpectancyRegardless of when you retire, your age today, your weight if you want to Increase your Life Expectancy – Get Active. That is the bottom line message in this post. There have been lots of studies suggesting that people who retire early, actually die early. Some would say that it comes down to not having a purpose, having less social connections and generally less activity. Studies like this are also open to interpretation. For example, maybe you retired early because you were in poor health, perhaps you needed to look after a family member.

Those that did not retire early, did they last until they were 65? If they retired at 65, how much longer did they live? these are all questions that many of these studies do not address. But one thing is for sure if you want to live longer, be active. Walk every day, participate in some kind of sport etc. Also manage your risk factors. Stop smoking, stick to moderate drinking, maintain a reasonable weight level and exercise every day.

Increase your Life Expectancy – Get Active

Getting active can also be interpreted in many ways. It certainly includes some form of exercise that gets you active at least 30 minutes a day, every day. More vigorous exercise for an hour three times a week is great. Swimming, walking, running and bicycling are all great sports.

Retirees also need to look after exercising the brain. This can include volunteering, a part time job, and improving your social game as well. All of these things give you something to look forward to, something besides your aches and pains to think about and fun as well. We all need to have a little fun in our lives. By getting active in a social setting, we are meeting new people and we are experiencing new experiences. These all contribute to increasing your life expectancy.


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One Response to “Increase your Life Expectancy – Get Active”

  1. overweight-over 40-male-most common type to need CPAPyes they work very wellhtey do improve your health indirectlyuncomfortable-not really-especially, when weighed against the benefits of using onequiet-yesget one,persevere,start a better life-try to lose weight ,it’s the best help against apneaif you drink alcohol stop-you’ll live to NOT regret itsame with smoking, stop nowif you don’t follow this advice you will get no lasting benefit from CPAP

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