Travel Blog

Cold Snap in the North East

cold vortex

Both the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014 have seen a terribly cold winter so far. A new term has been brought into our understanding of the weather: a cold vortex encircling North America all the way down to Florida. It has bypassed the western states, with places like LA and Palm Springs staying relatively warm. The cold weather is being felt as far west as Texas and Arizona, especially in the south. We have had more snow this year. It began falling in early November and has never left.

Cold vortex in the North East

This will probably be one of the longest winters on record and break most temperature records. Most people just have to endure this cold and the snow that comes with it. Some of us head south for the winter to find warm weather and to get away from any hint of snow.

Well, this year is turning out to be more of a problem for many snowbirds because of the cold vortex that seems to be circulating around us. Many snowbirds heading to Florida and west to Mississippi and Louisiana are finding it very cold still. They may not have snow, but they are finding that there are still freezing temperatures. In fact, it has been reported that pipes are freezing in places that have not seen this before.

These poor people just do not know what to do. The best thing is stay warm, wear lots of clothes and make sure you heat your home safely.

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