Blue Anchor – Cornwall
The Blue Anchor restaurant in Cornwall is a great little place to stop for lunch or dinner. Situated just east of Cornwall on what is referred to as old number 2 highway, it is on the river side of the road. There is ample parking and if you get their early, ie before 11:45am, you will have no problem getting parking as well as a seat on the patio overlooking the river. There are lots of umbrellas and quite a few servers so you do not have to wait long for your drink or your food. We have only eaten at this restaurant at lunch time and since we are not from Cornwall we unfortunately only make it to this location about once per year but it is definitely worth the trip.
Blue Anchor – Patio
The view from the patio is shown in the picture below. This is the St Lawrence river that runs from lake Erie all the way to the ocean. As a result we see many ships and freighters that make their way along the river. Some are on their way as far as lake Superior. On a beautiful sunny day this is truly a great way to spend the day.
We also visit this restaurant for another reason. They prepare perch fillets in a bun, toasted and drizzled with their own private topping which is delicious. The perch is caught locally in the river and they are well known in the area. They are referred to as Lancaster perch. Lancaster is a small town on the river not too far from Cornwall. If you have the time or are just passing though, look up the Blue Anchor restaurant and try it out. We enjoy it every time we are in the Cornwall area which unfortunately is not too often for us.
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