We recently read an article about older Americans who are living a nomadic life. In her powerful new book, Nomadland, award-winning journalist Jessica Bruder reveals the dark, depressing, and sometimes physically painful life of a tribe of men and women in their 50s and 60s who are living out of an RV or trailer. They travel around the US in search of good weather and, most of all, jobs. They find temporary jobs and work at these jobs while they last. Most are seasonal and very physically demanding. There is another sector of seniors who fall into the category of Senior Nomads Airbnb.
She also talks about some of them who live in Airbnb’s. These people have sold their homes or, at the very least, rented them out while they travel. They have more money and are out to see the world. Some will also work part-time jobs while they travel. They live off their pension and investments from their homes and are out to see the world.
Senior Nomads Airbnb – RV Nomads – Locked in Place
Many people cannot afford to travel and either rent a home or live in the home they have had for years. They can barely live on their incomes, and their homes are gradually falling apart because they cannot afford to keep them up. These folks might be termed locked in place. They cannot sell, and they cannot move because it would just cost too much money—money that they cannot afford.
At least the folks who live out of their RV’s and travel around the US have a place to live and a home such as it is. As long as they can continue working, they can live and put food on the table. If they get sick and need medical treatment, they will be destitute and broke from medical bills.
If you are a senior and own a home, perhaps by creating an Airbnb in your home, you can add a little money to your income and live more comfortably. There are many people who love to travel and spend many days each year going from city to city for vacation as well as work-related activities. This approach could add thousands of dollars to your budgeted income and make life just a little more comfortable.
Use Airbnb’s guidelines to help you make arrangements, accept credit cards, make deposits, and more.