Sometimes people have lots of time to prepare for retirement. They are able to work as long as they want to and select the date they will finish work. Many people however get a surprise. They walk into work one day to find out that they are being laid off or have to select between a retirement package vs. being laid off. They are the lucky ones. These are real retirement issues that people face every day.
Either way, many of us plan for retirement and many do not. Some because they just do not want to think about it. While others are just not that organized. The bottom line is that if you want to enjoy your retirement and have enough money to do some of the things you want to during retirement, you should probably devote a little time to planning your retirement.
Real Retirement Issues to Think about
These are a few of the issues retired people wish they had thought about before they retired:
- Planning for taxes
- Left money on the table
- Forget about the past
- Don’t plan more than you can do
- Enjoy life more
- Made a bucket list
- Cherish every day
If you have been laid off and are now looking for a job because you feel that you are not ready to retire or just need the money, you are probably going through a number of emotions. There may be depression, there may be anger and there may even be a relief because you hated your job in the first place. But the bottom line is to get through these stages as quickly as possible and move on with your life. This includes finding that job or realizing that there is life after work.
Get On With Your Life
Whatever you plan to do, it is important to think about your financial situation. Make whatever arrangements you need to make to get your life in order and ready for the next stage in your life. Focus on some or all of the issues we listed above. Think about your own personal needs and desires along with those of your family and specifically your spouse. There is a lot of potential stress when it comes to retirement since your daily routine is going through major changes and many people do not deal with change very well.
We write a lot of articles about various topics associated with retirement. They cover tax issues, savings plans, and some of the emotional issues about retiring from the work force. We urge people to read some of these posts and if you have comments about our ideas or feel that we missed some, let us know.