There are lots of ways that couples sabotage their retirement plans. When they do they have to resort to solutions that are brought out in the picture. Some have to down size, some have to move in with their kids. Many have to cut back on their lifestyle drastically. They even need to keep working well past their retirement years just to maintain the standard of living they like to have. There are lots of reasons why this sort of thing occurs, however we are going to focus on how couples sabotage their retirement plans in this post.
How Couples Sabotage their Retirement Plans
There are lots or reasons, however most can be narrowed down into three main categories. The first one being one of the most important.
Lack of Communication – do both partners have the same objectives about retirement? Travel, annual vacation, spending time with the grand kids? What do you want to do in retirement and does your spouse agree? These are just a few of the items that many couples just do not talk about these things and receive a surprise. Set some joint goals now and begin to make plans on how you will achieve them.
Savings in the Wrong Account – Are you placing your savings in the right account? do you obtain the appropriate tax advantages which help save even more funds? A regular savings account is to easy to access, generates too little income and is taxable. Consider a retirement account that protects your gains and income from the tax man.
Not Matching Savings with Dreams – Planning for a new car, saving for travel, matching your retirement income with your retirement plans? These are just a few of the ideas that need to be considered. Develop a plan around when you want to retire. How much money you will need saved and when you will achieve this goal.
A financial advisor can help you with all of these questions. You may need to spend a few sessions with them as you develop your plan. Make adjustments based on the reality of your situation.