River Trips

As we write this post, most white water river agencies who offer white water trips have closed for the season due to the cold weather that is upon us in the northern parts of North America and in Canada. Some locations in the southern US may still be operating if river flows are sufficient to sustain rafting river trips. Then of course you can head to South America. Ot anywhere that avoids winter or to the southern hemisphere to go white water rafting. Many people will book a vacation based on where they can go rafting all year round.

Rafting companies in the winter time  are busy repairing gear, taking stock of their supplies and equipment. They are also ordering new equipment to be ready for the river trips in the new year. Especially in the early spring when the spring runoff from the mountains begins. They may also be updating their training to make sure that everyone is in top shape from a training and first aid perspective. Some guides will have gone to other white water rivers in other countries that can offer river trips all year long. They will be back for the new season next year.

Plan for Your River Trip next Year

This is also the time when tourists are beginning to think about next year’s excursions and river trips. They know that many of these river trips are sold out a year in advance. They must book very early if they want the dates and specific river trips they are looking for. The river trip down the Grand Canyon is rumored to be sold out a year and half in advance. Camping at the grand canyon is controlled very closely and is also booked well in advance.

Book your river trips early to avoid disappointment. Booking early will also enable vacation scheduling to be done while you still have the time. You can book ahead of just about everybody else at the company to be sure you get the dates you want. These trips will run regardless of the weather. Unless conditions are so bad that they cannot be safely on the rivers.

Trips like these do take planning, so don’t forget to book flights, rental cars if needed and hotel rooms as well in the area. These facilities can be booked up early and you will want to make sure you do not need to drive too far to get to the river trip starting point.

Many river trip organizers will also have lodgings of some kind nearby that they can refer their customers to. These can include everything from camp sites, log cabins to motels and hotels in the area. Ask for special rates or deals when you are referred by one of these river trip companies.

Categories: Raft Trips