More Shootings at a School

Can you believe it has happened again? More shootings at a school with guns that have no business being in a persons hands, let alone a young deranged man. Are Reality Shows and online gaming giving our kids the wrong message. Are viewers becoming so accustomed to gun play on the TV and at movies that it does not affect them any more? Many people are just becoming immune to the carnage and accepting it as part of life.

The cold hearted will blame it on the person and not the guns. We are not against guns for hunting, but why on earth do you need a gun that fires on auto in a machine gun manner? Do you really need to have this kind of fire power?

Some will say that they need the guns for self defense. If no one had guns you would not need self defense! If someone in your family is not stable, why have a gun around? For self defense, have one, not dozens! If you collect them, keep them under lock and key and store them away from the ammunition.

Shootings at a School – A Significant Problem

The US has to solve this problem. It is getting ridiculous and out if control! How many shootings have there been this year? We are a great country, can’t we find a solution for this huge problem. We seem to be able to address other significant challenging problems, why not this one.

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Tags: gun control