Ha Noi Pho Restaurant in Ottawa

My wife and I recently had lunch at the Ha Noi Pho Restaurant in Ottawa located at :4312 Innes Road, Unit 1,Orleans, Ontario. It is at the corner of Innes Road and Lanthier Road.

Ha Noi Pho Restaurant in Ottawa

We found that this restaurant not only serves excellent food, but the service also is great and there is a nice atmosphere as well. It is a relatively small restaurant and we were there late in the lunch hour period, so it was not too crowded.

We had a beer first which was ice cold, just the way we like it, and ordered vegetable rolls initially. We mentioned to the waitress that we wanted to enjoy our beer and then order our lunch a bit later.

She was really excellent not bothering us every 5 minutes to see if we were ready to order. Instead, she was very respectful and observed us from a distance. As soon as we were ready we were able to get her attention easily and place our orders.

I had General Tao’s chicken which is slightly spicy and comes with white rice. It was excellent and both the quantity and the taste of the food more than met our expectations. Although the lunch came to about $40,  we did have a beer each, an appetizer, and two great meals.

My wife has dined at this restaurant several times with a friend. She plans to return many more times for the food, the atmosphere, and of course that ice-cold beer. She has gone to this restaurant several times since our visit together. Each time she has enjoyed the meal.

They seem to be able to maintain consistency in terms of both services as well as food quality. This is difficult to do when staff changes etc. at many restaurants.

If you have not been to this restaurant in Orleans, it is definitely worth a try, especially if you enjoy Vietnamese food.

Categories: Ottawa