Travel Blog

George The Pot Bellied Pig

George the Pot Bellied Pig in Palm SpringsThis is George the pot bellied pig. He comes to the Palm Springs street fair every Thursday and many people take pictures of this guy. Just before I took this picture, a group of people sat down beside him for a picture. He was very happy with all of the attention. He oinked happily with pleasure at all of the attention. The Palm Springs street fare takes place every Thursday and thousands of people attend every week. The street is blocked off for 8 to 10 blocks. Both sides are lined with booths of all types. As a result it is a very popular event and well attended.

George The Pot Bellied Pig

There were so many people on this particular night that we could hardly move with everyone browsing and chatting on the street. There are all kinds of food vendors, vegetable vendors, clothing, jewelry and many arts and crafts. As a result there is lots to enjoy in addition to seeing this pot bellied pig. Of course George is there every week enjoying the crowds and having his picture taken.

Subsequently updating this post a few years after it was first written, we sadly have to report that George is not at his usual spot any longer. Perhaps he has gone to hog heaven or perhaps his owner can no longer bring him to the street fair. If anyone knows what happened, please leave us a comment regarding George The Pot Bellied Pig. Hence he was one of the many attractions that come and go at the street fair.

For more things to do in the Palm Springs area, click here.



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