Baby Boomers need to Move

Sounds cliche, but the message everyone should be getting is that they need to get moving. It really does not matter what you do as long as you are moving and getting the heart rate up a bit.  When we were young we did not need to worry about exercise too much, we were always doing something. Now baby boomers need to move and increasingly younger people need exercise. We are all just consuming way too much food.

This post will focus on the baby boomers who are retiring in huge numbers and looking forward to easy relaxing days, were life is good and you can pursue your dreams. This is clearly the wrong message and baby boomers really  need to give some serious thought about how they are going to live their lives after they finish work and even before they retire. We believe that you need to not only exercise the body, you also need to continually exercise the brain as well to keep everything in good shape to help you enjoy your retirement. We will discuss exercising the brain in our next post. Watch for it , Baby Boomers need to Exercise the Brain.

Baby Boomers need to Move

The main focus is on keeping moving so that you get exercise. Why is this so important?

An analogy will help to explain.

Think of your arteries as a small stream that flows through your neighborhood. We all have seen them at one time or another. In dry weather when there is little rain, these streams dry up to a trickle and they get clogged with debris that somehow finds its way into the stream bed and plants grow to clog the water flow.  This is your artery while you are sitting on the couch and your heart is not pumping much blood through your arteries.

They is not much blood flow and the arteries become clogged with debris called plaque. Your muscles also shrink and become weak as well. Now when a storm comes along, there is a lot more water and the stream expands to clean out the debris and wash it away. Again this is an example of what your arteries go through when you exercise.

Does it Make a Difference

Your heart pumps more and stronger forcing blood through the arteries and delivering blood and oxygen to the surrounding muscles.  What a difference between the two scenarios? This is why we all have to keep moving doing some kind of exercise at least once a day. Go for a walk, bicycle, go to the gym. Do something for at least 20 minutes a day and build up from there. You will feel stronger in no time and feel much better as a result.

We have included a list of things you can do to get started. If you are just beginning, start small and build up as your strength and stamina improve. Find something you enjoy and stay with it. Pretty soon it will become a habit and if you do not go and exercise your body and mind will tell you that you are missing something. We all want to live to a hundred and be healthy too. Keep moving and you will vastly improve your chances of getting there.

Here is our list for Baby Boomers need to Move

  • Walk around the block
  • Walk in the park
  • Walk up 10 flights of stairs
  • Go hiking on trails
  • Go to the gym every day
  • Do 20 minutes of exercise of some kind every day
  • Mix it up so you do not get bored
  • Play tennis, squash, hand ball, or racquet ball
  • Go biking – any kind of bike – mountain, road bike or high speed bikes
  • Play sports
  • Do your own work around the home – rake leaves, cut the lawn etc
  • Park your car a long way from the mall door
  • Walk instead of taking the car

There are probably hundreds of other ways to get some exercise. Just remember the main thing is to keep moving and get your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes a day. And if you really want to improve your chances of living longer cut down on your weight by eating less and eating low calorie foods.  Start by embracing the statement, Baby Boomers need to Move.

Categories: Exercise