Travel Blog

Auto Posting on Pablo’s Stories web site

This post is being made by the administrator to illustrate how posts can be added to the web site. This is  for Pablo’s Stories by sending an email to a specific email address. Posting like this is known as auto posting.  This address should be kept private and is not included in the text of this message since it would end up being posted on the web site for all readers. We would get far too many posts on the web site that had nothing to do with this topic or our content. There are just too many spam messages and comments so we do not leave an email in this post and will send it to you separately.

Auto Posting by Email

To make a post to your web site, all you need to do is send an email with the title in the subject line and add text in the body as you would normally do to send an email. You can even attach pictures to the email and they will be posted at the bottom of the post on your web site. It is pretty easy to send emails like this. I have done this several times to test the feature and it works fine.

Note, anything in the body of the email will be posted on your blog. So for example if you have an auto signature added to all email messages, this will be posted along with anything else. To avoid this simply add  :end at the end of your message. Do this at the point that you do not want anything beyond posted to your blog. The auto signature can also be deleted prior to sending the email.

Now you can make a post to your web site, while lounging by the pool. Use your iPod to compose the message. Once it is ready to go, just send it to the address I will give you and your post is live on the web. Of course you can sign on to your web site at a later date if you want to make any changes to your post at a later date. It is that easy. Hope you find this helpful.

Evaluate the Post before Publishing

We suggest that users go on the site once and a while to review their posts. Cean up any grammar and spelling issues and  enhance the quality of the posts. We also find that with a second or third reading there are small changes along with additional comments that many people like to make. It is well worth the time to update and make these improvements for your readers.

You can also use your PC to send an email with or without pictures attached. With Smart phones able to take pictures and add text now. This is really the best way to keep your blog active and current. We really like this approach to blogging. We will use this auto posting idea on several other blogs that we have. One thing to remember is that you need to keep it clean. Nothing you would not want your mother to see or read. Pretty simple really but we want to have good quality sites. We do not want to fun afoul of Googles policies either. They are very strict on this matter. They will cut a site off from their index if you do not meet their guidelines

Let me know if you have any questions.


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One Response to “Auto Posting on Pablo’s Stories web site”

  1. is this blog still live. No new post by pablo or anyone else for that matter recently. Let’s see some more posts soon. The stories that are here are good ones.

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