Lightweight Backpacking

You aren't lightweight backpacking if you are carrying twenty-five pounds for a summer weekend. I invent these standards, but I…

How To Stay Warm Backpacking

Stay warm or die. That's what it comes down to at the extremes. More people die in the wilderness of…

Working and traveling in Uruquay

A friend of the writer lived in Montevideo Uruguay in 1995, 1996 and intermittently in 1997. These are her notes…

Ultralight Sleeping Bags

Why ultralight sleeping bags? Because ultralight backpacking is only made possible by cutting the weight of the "big three;" the…

How to stay fit with bad knees

Are you suffering from bad knees? Perhaps you have a lot of pain in your knees every time you walk…

Lightweight Tents – How Light?

Why use lightweight tents and ultralight tents? Because a heavy tent is one of the biggest obstacles to lightweight backpacking.…

Hole Jackson Rafting whitewater

Jackson Hole rafting is home to one of the most exiting activities in the world. As a result White Water…

Rafting Skill Whitewater

What are the rafting skills you need for whitewater river trips? Well that depends on which trip you are taking…

Rafting Speech Whitewater

Almost all whitewater companies will give you a rafting speech whitewater talk prior to getting in the raft and on…

Gorge Rafting Royal whitewater

The Royal Gorge is one of the best white water rafting trips in Colorado and world renowned. Experience the most…