Debt Reduction

Should I Carry some Debt into Retirement?

The quick answer to the question, should I carry some debt into retirement is no, if you can avoid it.…

Prioritizing Debt Reduction or Adding to My Saving for Retirement

Many people want to know if it is better prioritizing debt reduction or adding to my saving for retirement? They…

Rent or Buy in RetirementÂ

This is the big question for many people who are contemplating retirement and also thinking of downsizing. Should they Rent…

High Housing Cost Makes it Difficult to Retire

Your home is paid off and yet you are wondering if the high housing cost makes it difficult to retire.…

Carrying a Mortgage into Retirement

Thirty percent of Americans 65 years and older are carrying a mortgage into retirement. They are also trying to figure…

Viable options to get out of student loan default and rejuvenate your credit rating

Did you recently find out that you have graduated college not only with a degree but with a huge loan?…

Do the IRA accounts have any effect on debt settlement?

An IRA is considered to be one of the best options for you to save money for retirement. There are…

How to Reduce Debt

We recently read a survey which prompted the writing of this post. This web site is dedicated to helping readers…

Retiring With Debt

The following poll by RBC seems to indicate that many Canadians and by extension, Americans, are retiring with some form…