Big problem for new retirees

Initially your really busy catching up on all of the things you have been ignoring or delaying until your retirement. You knew that there would be time for these things once you finished work so you put them off. Many retirees find themselves very busy during the first few months or even the first year, but then something happens. It is the typical Big problem for new retirees. Initially they enjoy sleeping in, they get to travel on their schedule and there is a lot less stress in their lives. This new found freedom is actually pretty nice. But over time they run out of things to do around the house. Travel budgets get depleted and while it is nice to sleep in, you have the rest of the day to fill!

Many people suddenly find themselves missing the social interaction they had with people at work. They miss the fulfillment, achievement, and recognition they got from doing their jobs. They try to keep busy, but keeping busy is just not fulfilling any longer. Now what do they do for the rest of their retirement years?

Big problem for new retirees – Boredom

The B word comes into their vocabulary. They are bored and do not know what to do with their time. There three things you need to enjoy retirement. You need your health, you need a good financial plan that matches your lifestyle plans and you need the most important thing, a purpose in life.

For some consumers finding a purpose in life means looking after the grand kids. For others it means returning to the work force in a new career. Many start hobbies which turn into jobs. The most important element that these thing s must have is that they look forward to getting up in the morning and pursuing their purpose.

Everyone has something different. Each person needs to find out what works for them. Their purpose could change over time as well. They might start out on a hobby which leads to other things that they find more interesting. Whatever it is, try many alternatives until you find the one that works for your personal situation at your time of life.

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