4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Retiring

With so many people retiring over the next 20 years, many are wondiering if they will have enough money to…


Prioritizing Debt Reduction or Adding to My Saving for Retirement

Many people want to know if it is better prioritizing debt reduction or adding to my saving for retirement? They…


What can Retirees Do if a Retired Lifestyle Makes Them Miserable

What can retirees do if a retired lifestyle makes them miserable? Plan your retirement in just the same way you…


What can Retirees Do if a Retired Lifestyle Makes Them Unhappy

This is the big question for many people about to retire. What will they do in retirement? Will they be…


Signs and Symptoms of Baby Boomer Elder Abuse

What are the signs and symptoms of baby boomer elder abuse? They are many. Anyone who is providing care, or…


Baby Boomers Elder Abuse

Many baby boomers, born between 1945 1954 are now retiring. Although the financial advisor community, banks and government have talked…


What is your Financial Life Expectancy

If we all knew how long we were going to live, planning our finances would be easy. Many people base…


Do I Have Enough Savings for a Secure RetirementÂ

This is the main question we all have about our retirement future. How can we figure out what our future…


Lifetime Pension Payments or lump Sum?

Should we take a buyout that amounts to a lump sum payment or should we take lifetime pension payments with…


The FUTURE is approaching NOW

The FUTURE is approaching so fast that they cannot handle it. Many people who read science fiction, will already realize…
